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YMCA Camp Vanasek - Summer Day Camp

Serving Children Entering Kindergarten - 5th Grade

Children entering 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade can apply to be a LIT (Leader in Training)/CIT (Counselor in Training)

Enrollment for the 2025 Camp season will Open February 1st, 2025

Scholarships are available for Camp Fees, but applications need to be completed prior to registering for camp. 

At YMCA Camp Vanasek, campers will have the opportunity to develop new relationships, gain independence, learn new skills, and grow through a safe, accepting, and nature based environment. Youth learn to be honest and care, to respect and to be responsible for themselves and the environment. These are the values that make the YMCA Camp Vanasek different and extraordinary. Join us for the adventure – create a lifetime of memories!


2025 Enrollment

Enrollment for the 2025 camp season will open on February 1, 2025 at 6 AM.

We will be doing a staggered enrollment with FULL SUMMER CAMPERS (attending all camps with the option of using 2 vacation weeks) depending on number of days per week needed. 


*All enrollment will close once camp capacity has been meet.

Full Summer Camper Enrollment Dates:

  • Full Summer 5 day Campers - Feb 1st at 6am
  • Full Summer 4 day Campers - Feb1st at 6am
  • Full Summer 3 day Campers - March 1st at 6am


NEW THIS YEAR - Camper's do not have to be YMCA Members to attend camp, but there are different rates based on your membership status. In order to receive Member Pricing you have to be a Member at the point of registration. Your rate will not change if you choose to activate your membership after registration. If you activate your membership than choose to cancel that Membership during camp season your remaining weekly rates will be changed to the Community Member Rate. 

Activate a YMCA Membership HERE

If you are activating a membership please use the promo code Vanasek!25 to waive the membership enrollment fee.

If you are looking for 1 to 4 day a week camp options with no weekly commitment, please visit our sister camps "Camp Gull or Y Camp" for their new summer day camp options. 


Camp Schedule

7:00 AM Morning Drop Off

8:30 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM Activity 1

10:00 AM Activity 2

11:00 AM Down Time

12:00 PM Lunch

1:00 PM Swim Time

3:00 PM  Activity 3

4:00 PM Snack

5:30 PM Camp Closes


Camp Activities






Nerf Wars

Paddle Boarding

Arts & Crafts

Fire Cooking

Team Games


Nature Hikes



Kick Ball

Fort Building

Sky Chairs

9 Square

Board Games

& MORE....

Camp Address, Hours of Operation, & Holiday Closures

Camp Address: 14307 Oakwood Dr N, Baxter, MN 56425

Camp Season Starts: Monday June 9th, 2025        Camp Season Ends: Thursday August 28th, 2025

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 7:00 AM -- 5:30 PM

Closed on: July 3rd & 4th, 2025.


Rates & Scholarships

2025 Rates & Enrollment Information (Scholarships are available *see below)

  • 5 Day Full Summer $225 Y-Members/$255 Community Members
  • 4 Day Full Summer $190 Y-Members/$215 Community Members
  • 3 Day Full Summer $145 Y-Members/$165 Community Member
  • LIT/CIT Rates are listed in the LIT/CIT section

When enrolling as a full summer camper you are agreeing that your child will be attending all weeks of summer camp. There are no refunds if you take one of these spots and do not use it. Campers enrolling under a full summer spot will be charged all weeks worth of camp fees at the weekly rate you registered for. Each full summer spot has up to 2 weeks that can be canceled (individual days will need to be preapproved by the camp director). If you would like to cancel any of your 2 weeks of care you will need to send an email to 14 days prior to the week start date (unless a doctors note is provided and then a system credit will be given). Notifications of week cancelations will not be taken at drop off, pick up, over the phone, or by text message.

PAYMENTS will be automatically scheduled at the time of enrollment. Each weeks payment will be scheduled for 10 days prior to the weeks start date. These dates will be included on your enrollment receipt so please keep it for your records. If you wish to pay some of your summer camp fees upfront you can do that when completing enrollment by adding in the amount you would like to pay that day. If you keep the payment amount at $0 then the system will automatically schedule your payments as stated above.


Financial Assistance & Scholarships

Financial Assistance & Scholarships are available through the Brainerd YMCA. To apply for assistance please fill out the Financial Assistance Application and return to Jenny Wilson in person at the Brainerd YMCA or by email.  Please contact Jenny Wilson with any Financial Assistance & Scholarships questions. 

The YMCA provided over $40,000 in Financial Assistance & Scholarships in the 2024 Camp Season. This was made possible by the Brainerd YMCA Annual Campaign Donors and the Brainerd & Baxter Lion's Club. 

Summer Menu: AM Snack, PM Snack & Lunch

The Summer Menu is mailed directly to enrolled families. 

Camp provides an morning snack, lunch, and after snack. 


Parent Handbook

The Parent Handbook is sent directly to enrolled families.

Full Summer Enrollment

When enrolling as a full summer camper you are agreeing that your child will be attending all summer of camp. There are no refunds if you take one of these spots and do not use it, or if you do not use all weeks of camp. Campers enrolling under a full summer spot will be charged/registered for the whole summers worth of camp fees at the weekly rate you registered for. Each full summer spot has up to 2 weeks that can be canceled (individual days will need to be preapproved by the camp director). If you would like to cancel any of your 2 weeks of care you will need to send an email to 14 days prior to the week start date (unless a doctors note is provided and then a system credit will be given). Notifications of week cancelations will not be taken at drop off, pick up, over the phone, or by text message.

PAYMENTS will be automatically scheduled at the time of enrollment. Each weeks payment will be scheduled for 10 days prior to the weeks start date. These dates will be included on your enrollment receipt so please keep it for your records. If you wish to pay some of your summer camp fees upfront you can do that when completing enrollment by adding in the amount you would like to pay that day. If you keep the payment amount at $0 then the system will automatically schedule your payments as stated above.


*If you are looking for Partial Summer Enrollment that is offered at Camp Gull & Camp Y

6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Campers

Children entering 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade can attend camp, but as a CIT (Counselor in Training). These campers are paired up with a Camp Counselor and younger age group when they are at camp. These campers are expected to be leaders and helpful. They have a little more freedom and flexibility than the other campers in our program. They will still get to experience the fun of camp, but will be expected to help younger campers and staff. There is not a set expectation on how many days or weeks this age camper would be at camp. Their enrollment will be daily, and can fluctuate with your families schedule. 

8th, 7th, and 6th Grade Rate per day: $25

CIT Enrollment will be separate from the traditional camp registration will be available March 1st - March 21st 2025. Families will be notified April 1st, 2025 with a decision for your child/children. Click here for CIT application link for all 3 camp locations.